Wild Surf Clams

We supply Wild Surf Clams, harvested within Galway Bay. Surf clams (also called Diamond Clams) are characterised by a white, smooth, triangular-shaped shell.

“Eating is a need. Enjoying is an art”

Francois La Rochefoucauld

A Unique Taste

A Kelly Surf Clam has a beautiful shape and a sweet-tasting meat. They offer a real smack of the sea with their fresh, salty aroma, while the flesh quickly gives way  to a pleasant chewiness and salty taste, with softer meat at the back of the shell. The flavour of a Kelly Surf Clam can be comparable with the sweetness of a lobster or scallop.


Wild-Caught Clams

Caught locally in Galway Bay, our Surf Clams are available all year round. The fishermen who harvest them have been fishing clams for many years – and do so sustainably, to maintain the stock to an optimum.

After harvesting the clams are stored on our sea site where they purge themselves of sand. They are then ready for dispatch live in net bags to the customer. As with other shellfish, we need add no artificial food: the clams find all the natural elements they need in the sea where they grow. Beyond this the main ingredient is time and patience.