We supply the Blue Mussel (Mytulis edulis) – native to Irish waters and the main species cultivated by the Irish aquaculture Industry. This mussel thrives in the cold temperature waters of the Irish coast.

Plate of Mussels

A Taste Experience

Kelly’s Mussels are renowned and loved for their unique flavour that is both natural and strongly-defined.

Add to this a firm, rewarding texture and its understandable why mussel-lovers come back for more.

The Flavour is in the Growing

Kelly Mussels are farmed mussels – which means we purchase them from mussel farmers.  They use the ‘long line’ method of growing, where the shellfish are placed on ropes that remain suspended in the water, from a long line composed of buoys. They are also grown on ‘mussel rafts’: solid structures from which the mussels hang in the water. This provides the perfect environment for these beauties. Like oysters, mussels are filter feeds – feeding on plankton present in the water. They also filter large volumes of water very efficiently – making them a treasure for the ocean.

Mussels on ice